evening statement

Hegel said that first you need to see another person in order to be aware of yourself as a person. Or it would just be a blurry quasi-perception of yourself as somehow different from the rest of the world - the world of potential food and other insentient objects that you are free to exploit to satisfy your desires.

So I needed to see you and know you so that I came to understand myself better. I still find it a profoundly fun activity to juxtapose, to compromise my own perspectives and desires with those of someone so close to me.

I know with all honesty that whenever I need to beg for forgiveness from someone, it is never a case of truly genuine hope to be forgiven. Most probably, I find the need to say such words or my life would be harmed in some way. I need to achieve a certain attitude from that person for my own benefits.

Moreover, if I do wrong to someone, it is most definitely because I prioritise myself at the expense of that person. Why would I ever actually feel sorry for prioritising myself?

Anyway, let me finish telling the anecdote.

I was alone in the world of food and insentient objects.

I met you. I became conscious of myself, and you, the similarities and differences between us.

Interactions happened. Communication took place.

But at some point communication broke down, shattered, was demolished. No fun left. The end of further insight. Little consciousnesses reached their limits.

You are now just another object for me to exploit, arsehole.

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